Housatonic Amateur Radio Club
Don't Get Caught Below the KT Boundary, Rise Above with N1KT!
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HARC operates in contests and earns awards. Below are some of the award certificates we have recently received.

January VHF Contest 2024
New England QSO Party 2023     CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2022
ARRL DX Phone 2022     New England QSO Party 2021
Winter Field Day 2021     CQ WW DX SSB Contest 2020
ARRL DX SSB Phone 2020     Winter Field Day 2020

We are a member of the Straight Key Centry Club SKCC
SKCC Membership Certificate

The Housatonic Amateur Radio Club is an ARRL affiliated club.
ARRL Certificate of Affiliation

We support 10-10 International
Current 10-10 Certificate


We no longer cover our ballooning/aerospace activites on this web site. Thank you for your understanding.
If your interests lie with things in addition to ham radio, our Garden Page covers growing vegetables from seed. See the menu above.

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Copyright © Housatonic Amateur Radio Club. All rights reserved.